Peacock - Sacred to the Gods


A long time ago, the peacock was discovered in the remote rain forests of India. The dignified bird with such dazzling colors was declared to be sacred to the gods. For centuries they were allowed to roam undisturbed through the magnificent gardens of Indian royalty.

The Phoenicians later exported them to complement the imposing architecture of the Egyptian pharoahs. The Bible informs us that King Solomon used to order his powerful navy every three years to go out and restock his supplies of gold, silver, ivory and peacocks.

With such an exotic history, the last place one would expect to find peacocks is in the arid sandhills of Western Nebraska. In addition to riding horses and gardening flowers, my mom raises peafowl. Whenever I get back home, I'm awakened each morning by their haunting call. Every spring, I'm lucky to witness their extravagant, courtship display.

The image of these birds sweeping majestically across my parent's green lawn is an abiding memory. It's astonishing to me how the presence of a proud Indian Peacock can transform a humble farmhouse into the magnificent Taj Mahal. It's like paradise.


  1. Beautifully said. That makes me terribly curious about the modern day rewards of raising peacocks. Peacock farming... I think I might want to include it in a book one day. =)

    1. Well they are very pretty and they make pretty good watchdogs. If something or someone comes onto the place, they start squawking like crazy. They also keep the snakes out of the yard.

  2. I love that they were the fourth precious resource in the time of Solomon. They are absolutely gorgeous, and I used to love stories of them spooking tigers.

    John at The Bathroom Monologues

    1. I thought their ancient value was interesting as well. I always liked having them around. I've never heard the stories about spooking tigers, I'll look into that.

  3. Fantastic! Love the pic too, and the history behind them is wonderful.

  4. I love peacocks!! The colors are stunning!!
    A to Z-ing to the end
    Peanut Butter and Whine

    1. Thanks, their colors are brightest in the spring when they fan out their tails.

  5. What a nice post! I learned something, too. I would love to have some peafowl running around my backyard, strutting their stuff and singing their songs. A friend of mine raised some once and wound up with a beautiful albino that she sold for quite a sum of money.

    Tui, from A to Z
    Twitter: @mentalmosaic
    blog: Tui Snider's Texas, Travel, Photos & Reviews

    1. Yeah, I always liked having them around. Not the smartest bird but very pretty. We have a neighbor down the road who has a white peacock, they're very striking.

  6. Gorgeous photo!

    I love peacocks. We had a pair when I was little, and they do have a loud call! Ours used to also be a really good warning system when foxes were nearby!

    Rinelle Grey

    1. Yes, they can get very noisy. They make great watchdogs and they keep snakes out of the yard.

  7. This is a beautiful post. Peacocks absolutely fascinate me.
    I have a couple of stories to add, just for fun. My mother used to take my older sister and me to the zoo (usually the Bronx Zoo in NY, sometimes the zoo in Washington DC) often. Once my sister, who was little, got out of my mother's sight. My Mom heard these perfectly terrifying screams! She was frantic, but fortunately it wasn't my sister, who was was some peacocks! That became a family story.
    My second comment isn't really a story,it is more of a question. Have you ever seen a white peacock? I saw my first one on Youtube a few years ago, and in their own way, they are breathtaking. They give off such a diffent aura!
    Thanks, jean yates :)

    1. I have seen a white peacock, the neighbor down the road has one and they are quite striking. I can see how your mother mistook the peacock's call because it sounds a lot like a person yelling "Helllllp!

  8. Gorgeous picture! Peacocks really are beautiful birds.

    Have fun with a-z.

    1. Thanks, I luckily caught this one in just the right pose. Trying to hang in there. Thanks for visiting.

  9. Peacocks are so beautiful. I have only experienced them in a zoo setting. How great it would be to have them as close by as you have.

    1. Thanks Stefani, visiting my parents farm is like visiting a zoo so the peacocks fit right in. They have cows, horses, dogs, cats, guineas, ducks, geese, chickens, pot-bellied pigs and a raccoon.

  10. Beautiful photo Dan - I love peacocks!

    1. Thanks Judi, We always had them around growing up as a kid. It's always nice to get back home and see them and hear their distinct call.

  11. Replies
    1. Thank you very much, they are beautiful birds. My mom raises them. When I was a kid, I loved waking up to their distinct call every morning.


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