
Showing posts from November, 2013

Yellow-eyed Hawk - Colored Pencil Drawing

"Yellow-eyed Hawk" Colored Pencil Finding your place in the world today can be a challenge but this bird of prey is more than well-equipped to thrive in the wild. An eastern red-tailed hawk stares confidently out of a blazing, autumn background. After two years of age, the extraordinary yellow eyes of this juvenile will transform into a dark brown. Raptor vision has evolved to become the sharpest in the Animal Kingdom. The visual acuity of the hawk is legendary. Using its excellent eyesight to find and capture its prey, a red-tail can spot a rabbit from two miles away. Large eyes allow for maximum levels of light so the retinal picture is composed from a greater number of optical cells resulting in a higher resolution image. The hawk has front facing eyes that give it binocular vision which is assisted by a double fovea. With binocular vision, the fields of view of the left and right eye overlap. This binocularity allows for stereoscopic vision, which in turn provide...

Evergreen Sculpture Garden - A Sunday Stroll

A snowy morning surrounded by sculptures "Sculpture is the art of the intelligence" ~ Pablo Picasso Spent a snowy, Sunday morning surrounded by stunning sculptures. Just down the street is a natural amphitheater containing fertile soil. Here, art-in-the-round is grown from the seeds of creativity. The Evergreen Fine Art's Sculpture Garden displays some incredible works by talented artists. Most of the pieces are Western-themed and express the spirit of the wild but some have a more modern feel. A larger-than-life mountain lion overlooks the open-air gallery where a charming, gravel path leads the viewer between three-dimensional forms. The circuitous route ends in a hypnotic forest of kinetic sculptures. On the plot you'll see wolves howl, river otters at play and a mischievous black bear. Canada geese glide through cattails below a golden bronze that sparkles in the sunlight. The dramatic conclusion is a pair of majestic eagles engaged mid-flight. Situ...

Rainbow Hill - A Golden Morning

Silvery aspen in a golden meadow Most scientists believe Bigfoot doesn't exist, the universe wasn't made in seven days and there aren't really pots of gold at the end of rainbows but those legendary myths are unique metaphors that express a certain truthfulness not found in literal interpretations. North out of Evergreen, we went up over Rainbow Hill where our Saturday morning search for gold came true. We discovered a land where bluebirds fly, red foxes hide and the goldeneye dive. It's a place where the Great Divide is forever white and skies are blue. We followed the yellow rock road into a meadow of silvery aspen. Warm light filtered softly through the dark spruce and fir. An autumn breeze broke the silence and made waves for orange mallards dabbling in the cold, green lake. People will tell you don't waste your time going after something impractical and foolish, but don't listen, just continue on your journey. Keep chasing rainbows and maybe the ...

Elijah - Colored Pencil Drawing

"Elijah" Colored Pencil It's been ten years since we lost Elijah. He became so sick we had to have him put down. It was one of the most difficult, heartbreaking experiences of my life. They said  "He was just a dog,"  but he was more than that. He was my best friend. We climbed some of Colorado's highest peaks together. I opened my heart wider than I ever had before. He would have died for me, I know it. There is no creature on earth more unconditionally loyal than man's best friend. Our faithful Sheltie proved that. It was tough at first but children and time healed the wound. They said  "Get another one,"  but it was too painful. I had a decent excuse, my youngest son has allergic reactions to most animals including dogs and cats. They said  "It's Colorado, dog capital of the world,"  but I just couldn't do it. After a decade of goldfish, hermit crabs, Russian tortoises and gentle prodding, I've finally relented...

Red-tailed Hawk - A Versatile Raptor

Red-tailed Hawk It's a jungle out there. Wild animals are finding it increasingly difficult to survive in an environment so drastically altered by human intervention. Despite the transformations, there is a versatile raptor that's making life in the wilderness look easy. The red-tailed hawk has benefited from forest thinning, fire suppression and construction of the interstate highway system. The red-tailed hawk has adapted to a new landscape dominated by sparse woodlands and open fields. Their numbers have increased because we've created prime hunting areas that provide ideal nest sites and elevated perches. First identified in Jamaica, the diverse red-tail is currently widespread as its range extends from Alaska and Canada south all the way to Panama. Working during the day, the broad-winged buteo soars above meadows surveying its territory for mice and possible intruders. It has a nocturnal neighbor that handles the nightshift. The red-tailed hawk frequently sha...