Epaulet Mountain - A Remote Sanctuary

Epaulet Mountain

I've been here before, up at the top of Mount Evans Road. But on this day, I'm not sure which way to go. Wasting no more time, I've made up my mind. It's Epaulet Mountain that I'm going to climb. Here I go again on my own.

In the shadow of Evans and Bierstadt, Epaulet is a humble hill that's always been outshone. During this lonely trek of dreams, I'm miles above treeline and totally alone. Across the way there's lovely Rosalie. Pointed peaks pierce the sky like remote islands in a vast, blue sea.

After a solitary scramble to the summit, the extraordinary view is impossible to measure. Hiking the natural pathway out to a farther point is an absolute pleasure. Overlooking a deep abyss of solitude, it's a remote sanctuary where I've gone. I'll keep searching for an answer. Oh Lord, I pray you give me the strength to carry on.

I've been here before

Not sure which way to go

Mount Bierstadt and Evans

Above treeline all alone

Lovely Rosalie is across the way

Islands in a vast, blue sea

The summit of Epaulet

Extraordinary views

An absolute pleasure

A deep abyss

A remote sanctuary

Give me the strength to carry on


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