
Showing posts from November, 2014

Evergreen Memorial Park - A Pensive Garden

An impressive bison While waiting for practice to end, wandering down to Evergreen Memorial Park is like walking back in time. Set in Colorado's Front Range foothills, the sprawling meadow serves as a cemetery, wildlife preserve and wedding ground. The weathered barn chapel, complete with stained-glass windows, is a symbolic structure and fitting tribute to the early settlers of Evergreen and the Old West. Just like days gone by, buffalo roam across a golden plain and gather on the muddy banks of a lively watering hole. Occupying a rocky domain, amusing goats and friendly fallow deer greet the visitor with unbridled enthusiasm. Further along the path, an impressive herd of antlered elk is tame enough to be hand-fed. The curious critters use their long, sticky tongues to swipe pellets of compressed hay directly from your clutch. An interesting ritual is the daily occurrence of congregating clouds that seem to melt into the cool-blue mountains. The fascinating weather effect...

Carhenge - A Celebration of Life

Carhenge, Nebraska On a sultry, summer afternoon, we headed up to the High Plains and investigated a western Nebraska icon. Rising conspicuously out of the verdant corn, Carhenge was constructed 27 years ago as an exact replica of southern England's Stonehenge. At first, it was considered a despicable eyesore haphazardly fabricated by a crazy farmer but in actuality, it's an admirable display sculpted by a serious artist. Over time as the structure has blended into the environment, locals have not only accepted the work but they have embraced it as their own unique piece of Americana. Though some may still dismiss Carhenge as the makings of a madman, artist Jim Reinders cleared his field and built it so now we come. Today, people from all over the world arrive in the agricultural town of Alliance, Nebraska to visit the quirky roadside attraction. The grouping of gray gas guzzlers is a remarkable recreation. Aligned with the summer solstice, Carhenge faithfully replic...

Janeway, Colorado - A Rowdy Rest-Area

Janeway, Colorado "Though the white man may take this land, it and everything on it will never make him happy and his endeavors will forever fail." ~ Ute Indian curse after being forcibly removed from the Crystal River Valley Once upon a time, coal was king... During the late 1800s, combustible carbon powered locomotives and fired smelters from Aspen to Pueblo. So when "Black Gold" was discovered in Colorado's central Rockies, prospectors, investors and miners saturated the Western Slope. Treaties were broken and the region's native inhabitants, the Utes, were forced to leave their homeland for reservations further removed. Situated in a rugged ravine, Janeway was a rowdy rest-area for frontiersmen heading into the high country. Originally known as Mobley's Camp, in 1877 the settlement was renamed after its affable innkeeper, Mary Jane Francis. The charming Mary Jane was the most popular resident in this fledgling town of fifty that included a...

Garden of the Gods Pikes Peak - Colored Pencil Drawing

"Garden of the Gods Pikes Peak" Colored Pencil At first, this unforgettable landscape was a place I could barely remember. Rising out of dark greenery, Garden of the Gods is a glorious gateway to soulful Pikes Peak. The red sandstone slabs stand out sharply against the rugged vegetation resting below. Above, rumbling with thunder, the swirling sky releases rolling clouds filled with precious rainfall. Receding into the distance, through shades of blue, the massive mountains brace for the incoming storm. A frequent occurrence in the summer, the entire scene has been simplified into interlocking shapes. Gradients of orange and green describe the desert floor while the peaks are painted with patches of flat, pure pigment. To really get to know the region, we climbed around on rocky terrain. As for the final drawing, achieving the desired result, required a total recall. Once the misplaced memory returned, finishing this particular project was a piece of cake.

Evergreen Lake Fall - Colored Pencil Drawing

"Evergreen Lake Fall" Colored Pencil It's a cheerful, chilly day at Evergreen Lake in colorful Colorado. Elk are in the annual rut and a bull's haunting bellow echoes through the narrow canyon. Bear Creek remains motionless while fingers of new ice stretch across the frigid stream. Expressed with disorderly strokes, golden cattails in the foreground are a linear element set against the tonal landscape. Bright, warm tones blaze across the page, contrasting sharply with somber peaks and the icy inlet. A row of red trees is a transparent partition hinting at the snow-covered lake beyond while whispy, white clouds sail across the clear, blue sky. After such a splendid, sunny season, we're hoping an awesome autumn awaits. The busy boardwalk is uncharacteristically quiet and most of the birds have bolted for warmer climes. Even so, Fall is probably my favorite time of year. So, enjoy our exquisite Indian Summer while it's here because soon the snow will b...