Winter Light - Colored Pencil Drawing

"Winter Light" Colored Pencil On a chilly winter evening, a pair of ponderosa pine are glowing from the last bit of twilight. As the sun sets, Bergen Peak turns solemn and casts a shadow across the ochre meadow. Capturing the simple scene is a tranquil form of study. Brown grasses swirl across the foreground’s surface just like waves in the nearby watercourse. The size, shape and personality are scrutinized while rendered carefully with subtle shades of green. Not every needle is necessary, only the essential character is examined. The present position is cold, gloomy and dark but just over the rise, everything is bathed in a warm, golden light. Stay on the trail to learn the correct answer. When it comes to studying under Mother Nature, there’s no need for grades. You’ll soon discover that everything out here is either pass or fail.