Magical Utah - A Unique Treasure

Lower Bells Canyon Reservoir

Summer mornings in the Wasatch are quiet, dark and warm. The rugged range of stingy, green peaks withholds early light from the Salt Lake Valley.

While hiking up to the lower reservoir, Bells Canyon appears particularly blue. Spotted Towhees’ endless chatter fills the air and rock squirrels forage before it gets too hot.

The oval-shaped lake is smooth as glass and its contour defined by an indigo outline. As day develops, the first rays of sunlight fill the deep cirque with a golden warmth.

Now yellow in the afternoon, the place really starts to heat up. Under a cloudless sky, purple-headed ducks seem content to float across the placid pond.

Evening brings fishermen to the water’s edge where butterflies hover in a slight wind. At twilight the mountains are bleached by a brilliant, orange radiance.

Back down the trail, darkness descends as slowly as our pace. Evergreen, Colorado is our home but I must admit that magical Utah is a unique treasure that has cast its spell.

Summer mornings are quiet

A rugged range of green peaks

The canyon appears blue

Rock squirrels forage

The oval-shaped lake is smooth as glass

First rays of light fill the cirque

Ducks float across the pond

Canada goose

Butterfly at the water's edge

Utah is a unique treasure


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