Carhenge, Nebraska

Carhenge, Nebraska

Rising conspicuously out of verdant corn, Carhenge was constructed 29 years ago as an exact replica of southern England's Stonehenge. Today, people from all over the world arrive in the agricultural town of Alliance, Nebraska to visit the quirky roadside attraction.

At first, it was considered a despicable eyesore haphazardly fabricated by a crazy farmer but in fact, it's an admirable display sculpted by a serious artist. Over time as the structure has blended into the environment, locals have come to accept and embrace the work.

At the casual site, visitors are encouraged to explore freely so children happily climb cars and kick tires. Whereas the stone slabs of Salisbury are the "Domain of the Dead", the arrangement of American automobiles near Alliance appears to be a celebration of life.


  1. Carhenge, stonehenge - Good information.
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    1. Thanks, I will check out your posts. It looks like they contain some good info.

  2. I love places like these. I celebrate creativity. I'd drive way out of my way to spend time there.

    1. It's a cool place and a serious work of art. It was kind of despised at first but over time locals have embraced the sculpture and proudly promote it.

  3. What an interesting attraction!

    Stefani | Dreams of Nyssa

    1. It's an unusual and unique place for sure. I enjoyed our visit to the attraction as I was able to get some interesting photographic images.

  4. Dan: As you may know, Carhenge is one of my top offbeat travel locations in the US. I love the perspective you have provided in this post for sure!! Keep them coming!!

    1. Thanks, I grew up just down the road in Bridgeport so I'm very familiar with this attraction known as Carhenge.

  5. I was here when I was a child. I loved this place!

    1. Oh yes, I believe it. This is a great place for kids to explore.


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