Crown Hill Park |
Crown Hill Park is an expansive hilltop risen above a sea of amber waves of grain. The far off Flatirons form an impressive backdrop, giving an imaginative wanderer the feeling he’s walking in the wilderness.
The centerpiece of this wide, wheat ridge is a placid lake that’s cobalt blue and smooth as a mirror. Almost perfectly oval in shape, the reservoir and its adjacent wetlands are a birder’s paradise.
During an Indian Summer, the sun-drenched forest exterior is a glorious yellow and full of life. Buzzing about the gnarled cottonwoods, energetic kingfishers happily call this place home.
Nearby, Kestrel Pond is mostly a soggy bottom filled with cattail willows. The ground floor is crawling with creepy, little creatures such as spiders, grasshoppers, praying mantis and garter snakes.
You’ll notice the landscape is distinguished by contrasting colors and textures while romping across this countryside. An isolated haven nestled in the sprawling suburbs, Crown Hill is a golden gateway to Colorado’s mountain west.
The Flatirons are an impressive backdrop |
Walking in the wilderness |
A blue lake is the centerpiece |
Smooth as a mirror |
A birder's paradise |
An Indian Summer |
Glorious yellow |
Kestrel Pond is mostly cattails |
Grasshopper |
Garter Snake |
Contrasting colors and textures |
An isolated haven |
A golden gateway to the west |
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