Goliath Peak - A Fighting Spirit

Mount Evans Wilderness

Goliath Peak is a steep warmup to the withering heights encompassing the Mount Evans Wilderness. You receive a warm welcome as a carpet of colorful wildflowers is unfurled all the way to the top.

Stretching out in every direction, the distant views reach farther than even your wildest imagination. To the west, ice cold water in a glacier-filled cirque is ensnared by peaks of silver stone.

Even during the summer, white snow is slashed across the spectacular backdrop of surreal mountains. In the sky, milky clouds filter the sun, creating a moody atmosphere charged by the constantly changing stream of light.

Unfortunately, a perfect day was damaged by a heart-fluttering event. The Herculean effort may have induced an episode of mind-numbing paralysis that luckily spared my fighting spirit and eternally grateful soul.

Goliath Peak

A steep warmup

A warm welcome

A carpet of wildflowers

Distant Views

Your wildest imagination

A glacier-filled cirque

Silver peaks

A spectacular backdrop

A moody atmosphere

A fighting spirit


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