
Showing posts from February, 2020

The Bald Eagles of Barr Lake - An Idyllic Home

The Gazebo Boardwalk at Barr Lake Bald Eagles nest and breed in the North but in the fall many of them migrate south and inland searching for a milder climate. They prefer to spend the winter months in tall trees near a large body of open water where they can survive on fresh fish. Barr Lake is the perfect haven for these majestic birds of prey as they flock to this oasis on the eastern plains more than one hundred strong. Since it is the non-breeding season, the eagles are more tolerant of human incursion into their habitat, allowing you to catch a glimpse of what their life is really like. Surrounding the reservoir, a barren forest of writhing, twisted, tortured cottonwoods is the perfect place for the birds to perch and gaze down upon their awesome domain. They are built to withstand the cold but on the chilliest days, they remain motionless on the tallest treetops. When the weather warms, the eagles become more active and social and that is when their entertaining antics...

Winter Storm Kade - Small Flakes, Big Snow

Winter Storm Kade Just hours after a furry groundhog in Pennsylvania prophesied a swift spring arrival, a brutal winter storm hammered the foothills in Colorado. It was a classic example of the old adage - Big flakes, small snow. Small flakes, big snow. The tiny snowflakes poured like rain through a bitterly cold night, resulting in a smothered landscape buried below deep snow. The crystalline powder was piled into fragile drifts that shifted in a brisk wind. After experiencing our least snowiest January in 50 years, the blizzard was a stunning slap in the face, snapping us back into the reality of winter conditions in the mountains. The glorious daybreak was punctuated by a bright sun whose sleek rays leaked through the branches of a dense woodland. The low, diffused light spread throughout the forest creating a curious combination of fluorescence and shadow. Seen across the valley from a high vantage point, Bergen Peak was a regal monarch robed in white, a frozen monument ...

Mule Deer Morning - Always a Thrill

Mule Deer Morning The local wildlife is becoming more active because the morning light is brighter and the winter weather is warmer. The forest is slowly waking to the sound of flickers, chickadees, nuthatches and woodpeckers. Recently, while walking through a drowsy woodland, I stumbled across a small herd of deer. I found them on a rocky hillside foraging for brush, branches and anything else they could find. They were a tight-knit bunch of females and yearlings and they were unconcerned by my presence. Because hunting is not allowed in the area, they tolerate the intrusion of humans into their domain. If anything, the mule deer were intensely curious as they contemplated my activity. I remained quiet and still and watched while they gracefully negotiated the mountain’s rugged terrain. Fortunately, I was able to document this intimate encounter. I had my phone with me so I was able to take some pictures and get a quick video in order to capture their extraordinary moveme...