Arkansas River Canyon
Conceived in some of Colorado’s highest country, the Arkansas River rushes down through its namesake valley. Upon leaving the state, it continues an incredible journey across the southern plains until its confluence with the Mississippi River.
Near Cañon City, at one of its most volatile sections, the Arkansas’ whitewater rapids are threaded through a chasm of devastating beauty. The timeless crevice is sliced out of red earth and its jagged, rock walls are defined by eternal shadows of violet-blue.
While wandering up to the rim of this royal gorge, a satanic sun scorches the savage landscape. The devil’s domain is a vicious mixture of greasewood, cactus, yucca and sagebrush brewed in a cauldron of fire.
Upon reaching the cliff edge, the true elevation becomes an awesome reality whose dizzying concept is difficult to comprehend. The tiny ribbon of blue, winding its way through a graveyard of broken spires and collapsed structures, seems so far away.
Descending into this hellish environment from our milder, mountain climate is a stark revelation burned into a thirsty mind. Unfairly denounced as desolate, this mystical habitat is home to extraordinary plants and animals, instilling in me the utmost respect for life at the desert’s fringe.
Devastating beauty
A timeless crevice
The rim of a royal gorge
An awesome reality
Stark revelation |
A satanic sun
The Devils's domain
A hellish environment
A cauldron of fire
A savage landscape
Difficult to comprehend
A mystical habitat
Life at the desert's fringe
Denounced as desolate
Dan these shots are beyond fabulous. I love the shade of blue. So pristine.
Thank you! It is a beautiful place.