
Showing posts from December, 2020

Sprague Lake Winter - Colored Pencil Drawing

"Sprague Lake Winter" Colored Pencil “Through art we can change the world.” ~ #twitterartexhibit It’s a rough day in the Rocky Mountains but some of the prettiest hues on the planet can be seen at lonely Sprague Lake. A breaking storm gradually reveals a dynamic landscape distinguished by rugged beauty. Concealed in a remote corner of Glacier Gorge, the reservoir is graced with coarse grandeur. During a tenacious winter, arctic weather crashes through the valley creating a callous environment. A relentless force of frigid cold has infiltrated the turquoise tarn, freezing it solid. Casualties of an immortal west wind, the remains of fallen timber are strewn along the obscure shoreline. Applied with a single layer of pure pigment, an icy palette of predominately blue emphasizes the already melancholy mood. The broken trees are angled in such a way as to exaggerate perspective lines, producing the illusion of deep space. The solemn wilderness is topped by primordial pe...

Guardians of Snow - Colored Pencil Drawing

"Guardians of Snow" Colored Pencil It’s the morning after a potent storm and Bergen Peak is a silvery citadel commanding a sparkling valley. Sprawled out below a turquoise sky, the backcountry landscape is blanketed by an encumbrance of fresh powder. A ridge of supple conifers forms an impenetrable maze protecting the secluded kingdom from the busy world beyond. The Guardians of Snow glitter in the pristine surroundings, creating a vibrant mosaic of dark shadows and white highlights. Up close, the forest is an abstract arrangement of nebulous shapes filled with a combination of flat and shaded hues. Blue, violet and gray are stippled across the page in free-flowing passages of pure pigment, exaggerating winter’s icy palette. The somber color scheme betrays the glorious mood evoked from trudging through deep drifts just after dawn. Not even the frigid cold that grips the foothills can dampen the festive mood permeating a coming new year.

Canyon of Fire - Colored Pencil Drawing

"Canyon of Fire" Colored Pencil It’s summer on the desert plateau and an acid-green river slices through a blazing gorge. The ecosystem is an unbearable furnace where frustrated flora somehow survives the fierce environment. A sweeping arrangement of enigmatic shapes is smudged into the picture’s foreground. The intentional smear inspires experimental effects that become contagious to the rest of the composition. A garish-yellow sky radiates sour light that flashes through the infernal chasm. The sulfur peaks in the distance are softened by a subtle wash of smoky-violet haze. Engraved into sandstone, the Canyon of Fire can only be conjured by a violent color fusion of ochre, mineral and tuscan. The Devil’s Abode dares the visitor to venture ever deeper into dangerous territory. This rugged Ravine of No Return is riddled with a hostile array of yucca, cholla and prickly pear. Trapped in a boiling abyss of vertical walls, a steep slide of saffron offers a glimmer of hope...