Snowy Sangre de Cristos - Someplace I'd Rather Be

Snowy Sangre de Cristos

As the setting, winter sun makes its swift descent, the snowy Sangre de Cristos shimmer like a smokey, blue mirage. The peaks’ jagged silhouette is traced by a glowing contour, exaggerating the mountains’ awesome size and power.

Scattered throughout the Wet Mountain Valley, abandoned homesteads offer sentimental value to the romantic, western landscape. Reinforcing the peaceful ambiance, horses graze happily in their pastures of paradise.

Don’t be frightened by the mountains’ harsh nature and rugged features but let their irresistible magnetism draw you in. While navigating through the inevitable turmoil of a busy life, I catch myself reminiscing about these incredible crags and how they’re someplace I’d rather be.

Sangre de Cristo Range

Incredible crags

Sentimental value

Someplace I'd rather be

Awesome size and power

A jagged silhouette

Rugged features

Peaceful ambiance

A blue mirage

An abandoned homestead

Grazing horses

Wet Mountain Valley


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