
Showing posts with the label movies

The Liebster Blog Award

The Liebster Blog Award probably originated in Germany A couple of weeks ago I learned that my friend Judi Salzillo from 50 & Fabulous nominated Impression Evergreen for a Liebster Award. What's the Liebster Award you may ask? The Liebster is a form of special recognition that bloggers bestow upon their fellow bloggers. A way for us to share the work of our favorite independent publishers. The tradition appears to have originated in Germany and keeps plugging along like some kind of indestructible chain letter. If you choose to accept the award there are some tasks that must be completed to make it official. Here are the rules as Judi explained them to me. 1.  Thank your Liebster Blog Award presenter on your blog and link back to the blogger who presented this award to you. 2.  Answer the 11 questions from the nominator, list 11 random facts about yourself and create 11 questions for your nominees. 3.  Present the Liebster Blog Award to 11 blogs of 200 fol...

Fantastic Red Fox - Colored Pencil Drawing

"Red Fox" Colored Pencil Foregoing the comfort of a den, this red fox has chosen to sleep in the open on a bed of sticks and grass. The long, bushy tail wrapped around his nose acts as a warm cover. His red-orange coat is contrasted against the soft, blue-green background. In some corners of the world, the red fox is reviled and hunted as a pest. Not here, we find them friendly and their always entertaining behavior fun to watch. The resourceful red fox has adapted well to human environments and is now geographically widespread. From farms to suburbs, to the interior of big cities, its range has actually increased alongside human expansion. Usually nocturnal, we see them here at any time during the day. The kits are playful and seem more curious than frightened of people. The adults use creative hunting tactics that employ exceptional cunning and trickery. If strategy doesn't work then spinning, jumping and pouncing appear to be very successful. Because of their ...